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美国禁忌的 了解美国文化中的禁忌事项

发布时间:2024-03-18 13:57来源:网络整理编辑:佚星

Taboos in American Culture

Every country has its own set of cultural taboos. In the United States, there are certain behaviors and topics that are considered taboo and should be avoided in polite conversation. In this article, we will explore some of the most prevalent American taboos and discuss why they are considered inappropriate in polite society.

American Taboos

美国禁忌的 了解美国文化中的禁忌事项

One of the most significant taboos in American culture is discussing religion or politics in polite conversation. These topics are considered private and personal, and many Americans feel uncomfortable discussing them with people they don't know well. Even among friends and family, people can get heated and emotional when talking about religion or politics, so it's best to avoid these topics altogether unless you have a deep understanding of the other person's beliefs and opinions.

Another taboo in American culture is discussing money or personal finances. Americans are generally private about their financial situations, and talking about how much money you make or how much you paid for something is considered impolite. Additionally, discussing how much money someone else makes or asking about their personal finances can be seen as intrusive and inappropriate.

Food Taboos

While there are many cultural taboos in America, food taboos are particularly interesting. One food taboo in American culture is eating dogs or cats. In many other countries, it's common to eat dogs or cats, but in the United States, these animals are considered pets, and eating them is seen as cruel and inhumane. Similarly, eating insects or other creepy crawlies is considered taboo in American culture, despite being a common food source in many other countries.

On the other hand, there are many foods that are considered delicacies in American culture but might be considered taboo in other cultures. For example, some Americans enjoy eating alligator, rattlesnake, and squirrel, while other cultures might find these foods disgusting or inappropriate.

The Delicious Auntie

One cultural taboo in America is the idea of the "delicious auntie." This refers to the stereotype of the unmarried, childless aunt who spoils her nieces and nephews with sweets and treats. While this might seem like an innocent stereotype, it can be harmful to women who don't fit into the traditional role of wife and mother. Additionally, the pressure to conform to cultural norms can be overwhelming, particularly for young women who are trying to figure out their place in the world.

In conclusion, American culture has its fair share of taboos, from avoiding discussions of religion and politics to refraining from eating certain types of animals. While these taboos might seem arbitrary or even silly, they serve an important function in maintaining social norms and promoting politeness and respect in society. It's important to be aware of cultural taboos and to respect them, even if you don't fully understand or agree with them.



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